Wednesday, September 5, 2007

So I've got some catching up to do!

This has been a crazy summer so I'll try to see if I can catch you up on what's been going on!

April - I moved out of my condo and moved in with Tiffany Virgil

May - I lived with Tiff but never saw her because we were both never home!

June - we closed on the house the end of June and I went to Boston the middle of June.

July - moved, moved and moved some more,had a 4th of July/housewarming cookout here at the house,and had a crazy schedule for work, whit and kate moved in, mom was here for two weeks.

August - Dad came to see the house, went to Omaha to visit the Smiths(a family I used to babysit for in CA), went to Nashville for an end of summer road trip, and ended my job with AFC.

That sums up my summer in a nut shell. I will post pictures accordingly! :-)


Rebekah said...

Crazy summer TAra!! I'm glad you started a blog...maybe i'll be able to keep up with your life on a more regular basis! For example, I did not know you are not working with AFC anymore. What are you doing now?

thanks for inviting me to your blog!


Tara said...

Keep reading and I'll update ya! I'm trying to catch up on the whole tsummer! :-)